Monday 28 March 2011

Refresh your Body, Mind and Soul with Restorative Yoga Poses

Restorative yoga poses are very helpful in providing relaxation to your body. There are various types of yoga poses and some of them are listed in this article with their effective benefits.

Diaphragmatic Breathing
This kind of yoga is also called as abdominal breathing; it is a superb way to raise level of relaxation in a supported pose. Diaphragmatic breathing also allows your parasympathetic nervous structure to kick in which encourages rest and digestion also promotes overall sense of good health.

Thunderbolt Pose- Vajrasana
Vajrasana provides enormous benefits to you as this pose improves digestion and eliminates increased blood flow to the abdomen. Regular practice of thunderbolt pose improves the strength of your hips, pelvis and thighs. Moreover, this pose develops a tranquil calm feel that assists in stress reduction and increases mind clarity.

Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana pose of yoga stimulates your liver and kidneys and also improves digestion. This pose gives a profound stretch to the spine, shoulders, and constrains help to relieve mild backache. There are many other benefits of this pose such as reduction of anxiety, fatigue, and headache. It encourages a sense of calm and nourishing your well-being.

Crocodile Pose- Makarasana
Makarasana is helpful in providing upper, lower back pains and also herniated discs. It helps you to get relief from any kind of stress or worry, this pose of yoga is very beneficial for getting rid of asthma as it provides expansion of chest and lungs.

Advasana- Reverse Corpse Pose
Advasana is really beneficial pose as it helps you in getting relief from lower and upper back pain and also from slipped discs. It also provides you strong digestive system so that you can digest food easily.

Supta Padangusthasana
This is very essential and effective yoga pose which helps in stimulating relaxation and digestion by minimizing backache, sciatica, and menstrual uneasiness. It provides a deep stretch to your hips, thighs, hamstrings, groins, and calves. Moreover, it has accounted beneficial for high blood pressure, flat feet, and infertility.

Ardha Padmasana- Half Lotus Pose
Half lotus pose helps you to calm the brain and ease sciatica and pain during menstruation. It provides ease in childbirth which has been reported with reliable practice throughout pregnancy.

Try Restorative yoga poses and you will surely find a new freshness in your body.

1 comment:

  1. I love a solo practice as well where I can flow to my favorite tunes and move just the way my body needs. I often start out practicing yoga and find myself moving beyond my mat to dance and be free – it just feels so good!

    Restorative Yoga Poses
